Welcome to the Tuesday Musical Club |
The Tuesday Musical Club, founded in 1901 by Anna Hertzberg, holds the distinction of being the oldest musical club for women in Texas. We are nestled inside historic Brackenridge Park, adjacent to the Japanese Tea Garden. Our clubhouse, built in 1949, was designed by prominent architect Atlee Ayres. The exterior of the building features the busts of Beethoven, Bach, Chopin, Mendelssohn, and Mozart. The Genius of Music, a bronze statue by Italian sculptor Pompeo Coppini, welcomes visitors to the Clubhouse. Our Club and Clubhouse were featured in a KENS "Great Day SA" segment on Friday, March 21. Thanks to members Deborah Moore and Lynn Amos for doing a great job describing our Club and its value. TMC is devoted to the study, promotion, and performance of classical music. In 1923, the ladies of TMC began sponsoring an annual concert known as a Musical Tea; this soon evolved into the Artist Series. The Artist Series concluded with its centennial season, but our tradition of concerts and teas continues through our regular concert programs. We feature approximately 12 free programs each year during the October to May season. These programs, which are always on Tuesdays, consist of an afternoon concert program or music-focused educational lecture, followed by tea and sandwiches. All of our concerts are held at the Clubhouse and are open to the public. We invite you to join us and bring a friend! In addition, we are always happy to welcome new members to the Club. If you are a woman interested in membership, contact us at satuesdaymusicalclub@gmail.com. Members support our various outreach and educational programs, as well as our performance departments and the maintenance of the fabulous performance space that is our Clubhouse. They also can proudly take part in our over 100-year-tradition of musical appreciation and fellowship. Listen to some of our Juniors on TPR's Classical Connections! Upcoming 2025 Programs & Events All programs are held at the Clubhouse unless otherwise noted.
April 15 at 1:30 p.m.: The TMC Choir, under the direction of Cheryl Crews, will present their spring concert. This year the choir is featuring lovely pieces by the great masters: Palestrina, Vivaldi, Mozart, Haydn, Mendelssohn, and more. Since much of this music was never arranged for treble voices only, the choir is taking advantage of the talents of former directors Jerome Malek and Elinor Duff, who provided some gorgeous arrangements for us. April 29 at 1:30 p.m.: The TMC Strings Ensemble, for their Spring concert, will present works by Elgar, Holst, and Joplin under the direction of maestro Terence Frazor. In addition, the group will perform Vivaldi’s Violin Concerto in G Minor featuring high school sophomore Cameron Weber, two-time winner of the Junior TMC Competition. This is our last free program of the 2024-25 season. May 13: our annual May luncheon at the San Antonio Country Club. Members, watch your mail for invitations in April. |