The Junior Tuesday Musical Club

Both the parent TMC and the JTMC were featured in a KENS "Great Day SA" segment on Friday, March 21.
If you missed it, we have a link to a copy of the video here.

Thanks to members Deborah Moore and Lynn Amos for doing a great job describing our Club and its value.
And thanks to Roma Villavicencio and KENS for showcasing us!

About Junior TMC

 The Junior Tuesday Musical Club (JTMC) provides young instrumentalists and vocalists in grades 1 - 12 the opportunity to perform for each other on a professional stage. With an emphasis on the masters, it also:

  • encourages the study and performance of fine repertoire;
  • develops excellence in memorized musical performance; and
  • offers an environment that promotes friendship.  

Students who have studied their instrument (including voice) with a professional teacher for at least six months are welcome to join the JTMC anytime up to the November meeting, with performance-only membership available after that.  

We suggest you join us for one meeting before submitting your registration; you do not have to RSVP to attend a meeting before registering. 

The JTMC holds an annual competition each February and awards cash prizes.  Eligibility rules apply.    



For more information please contact Lynn Amos, Chair,

NOTE:  The TMC clubhouse is located at 3755 N. St. Mary's Street (near San Antonio Zoo), San Antonio, TX 78212. The mailing address for TMC is P.O. Box 15215, San Antonio, TX 78212.

Competition Registration

Tuesday Musical Club sponsors three outreach programs for the community

Free Programs

The Club offers several free programs at the Clubhouse throughout the year--musical performances as well as presentations and discussions on musical topics. The upcoming programs are described on our main web page and appear on the Texas Public Radio Community Events Calendar.

Junior TMC

The Junior Tuesday Musical Club gives young people in grades 1 - 12 an appreciation of the beauty of music and an opportunity to perform for each other on a professional stage.  The Juniors' annual competition takes place each February winners perform at the TMC meeting in March.

Learn More

Young Artists Competition

Since 1956, a Young Artists Competition has been held each spring for serious students of music who reside or study in Texas, with $10,000+ in cash prizes. The competition rotates among three disciplines: piano, voice, and strings. The next competition, for voice, will be held March 15, 2025.

Learn More

Clubhouse Location

3755 North St. Mary’s
San Antonio, TX 78212

Please use P.O. Box for all mailings!

General Contact

Mailing Address
Tuesday Musical Club
P.O. Box 15215
San Antonio, TX 78212

Website Issues

© San Antonio Tuesday Musical Club, Inc.

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